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Ludo and Mental Health – How the Two Go Hand-in-Hand


According to the CDC, “Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.” To assist in alleviating symptoms of poor mental health, identifying activities one can enjoy will be helpful.

Taking a walk, listening to one’s favorite tunes, and turning to an old yet, much-treasured movie will likely help. Not to be forgotten among these activities are board games. Board games are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, the reasons behind which are not far to seek.

More and more people are looking to entertain themselves with the simple delight that tabletop games offer. Taking a break from the busy and ever-demanding world we live in today, even if for a few hours, while physically connecting with friends and family over a whodunnit or classic board game, can feel liberating.

With board games even appearing online in different versions and with many exciting modes, playing them virtually holds the same appeal as playing with physical boards and coins. The modern board games on offer provide for varied and thematic gameplay, interesting decision-making, and engaging social interaction.

For those looking to indulge in some nostalgia and a form of recreation, Ludo could be considered as an option. Ludo, like any other leisurely activity, can have an undeniably beneficial outcome on mental health.

Here are some ways in which Ludo and mental health can be said to be joined at the hip:

  1. Stress Relief:

When you play Ludo, it is possible to expect and gain a reprieve from the stress and pressure that accompany the often mundane or the occasional unexpected and challenging tasks of daily life. Leisure activities of any sort boost feelings of control, competence, and enhanced self-esteem. Engaging in leisurely activities can stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain – a neurotransmitter helpful in regulating mood. Serotonin is also referred to as the “feel-good” hormone, as it enhances happiness and well-being.

  1. Works as a Mood Booster:

Playing Ludo is both an engaging and fun activity that requires concentration and works as a temporary distraction from any negative emotions swirling within oneself. These attributes of one of the world’s oldest board games can provide for a much-needed sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, boosting mood and self-esteem.

And should one win the game, these feelings are only heightened, which bodes well for the individuals concerned. Additionally, the enjoyment factor alone that comes with participating in a tabletop game can escalate the positive frame of mind along with a sense of well-being.

However, it’s essential to pay heed to the fact that people may have different preferences when it comes to leisure activities, and what is appealing for one individual may not gel with another.

  1. Ludo Provides Clear Objectives:

Ludo has clear objectives to attain that are helpful as a means to an end, which is to take all the tokens home and achieve victory.

Ludo has strategy elements and requires players to carefully evaluate which pieces to move and when after carefully weighing in all associated risks and benefits with each move. When the calculated risks pay off, it gives an adrenaline rush like no other. Overall, Ludo attracts players into its fold who have a competitive spirit and love formulating a game plan that can take them to victory or as close to it as possible.

  1. Promotes Social Interaction:

The fallout of poor mental hygiene is minimal or, in extreme cases, a total lack of social interaction. As board games like Ludo provide an avenue for social interaction, they can be beneficial for those desperately seeking ways to cope better with feelings of isolation or loneliness.

Interacting with others through playing games can help erect robust social connections and foster a sense of community. Additionally, the social interaction that comes with amusing oneself with a game of Ludo can provide a sense of belonging, which contributes to a better state of mind. It also helps those who feel too emotionally spent with the ability to persevere.

  1. Encourages Mindfulness:

Mindfulness refers to the practice of being totally involved in the moment, and playing Ludo or other board games helps encourage this attribute in a person. Focusing on the game at hand helps individuals brush off any concerns, past and future, while also allowing them to experience a sense of calm.

It is also possible to practice mindfulness between turns or games. Taking deep breaths mid-game to focus on your breathing helps to let go of any distractions. This can help you feel more relaxed, which can enhance your overall gaming experience. Overall, making mindfulness a part of daily life can have a much-desired impact in bettering a person’s mental health and well-being.

While playing board games of any kind or variety can be expected to have positive ramifications with regard to mental health, it is of vital importance that you reach out to a mental health professional in case of prolonged anxiety, depression, or other mental health symptoms.

Though Ludo can be an enjoyable way to temporarily ease any mental health indicators, it is not a replacement for a professional opinion. All said and done, it’s time to consider bringing out the old family board games that have been gathering dust or heading to the local toy store and stocking up on some board games.

If a game night is not feasible, then playing online is the next best thing. Either way, you are guaranteed plenty of fun with friends and family. Wherever be the reason you seek to indulge in a game night, board games can provide for lasting entertainment, so remember to cherish the moments they offer and soak up whatever benefits they entice you with.

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